Read and study the word of God more! |
“This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therin day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therin; for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.” Joshua 1:8
Part of achieving success as a Christian in ministry and other areas of life is to learn and pursue your God-given purpose and fulfill your destiny. Find more lessons below on how to become better in communicating, develop your intellectual capacity and maintain a positive and optimistic attitude!
1. Discover God’s specifically-detailed calling, anointing, gifting and assignment for you to fulfill in the earth now through your precious life.
2. Give yourself and your life, time and schedule to God, paying any price, to excel in becoming and being the vessel that He lives in and moves through to greatly impact and dramatically change the lives of countless individuals and multitudes of people.
3. Always Tithe consistently, and regularly Sow Seed into the fertile and anointed Soils of other productive-Ministries.
4. Read and study the Word of God more. Also ingest knowledge and revelation from materials composed by brilliant thinkers, and successful and experienced mentors. The ‘horizons’ of your mindset will expand through doing this, and you will achieve more!
5. Live and Walk in the Power of the Holy Spirit. Do whatever it takes for you to stay, live, walk and work in God's 'glory-zone' for you!
6. Understand that the Word of God is true; and that the blessings or consequences of your decisions based on what is written therein are absolutely guaranteed, either for good or for bad!
7. Get experienced now! Work hard now! Do not wait for anything. Procrastination is a thief! Learn life's valuable lessons quickly through doing as much as possible now!
8. Memorize the Ten Commandments and the Beatitudes, and Live by them!
9. Improve your awareness’s about everything that is relevant for your successes; and also for possible failures.
10. Find your ‘dream-team’. Work with loyal and productive people. Loyalty gets proven, and productivity is obvious.
11. Deeply assess and discern the environment or location you are in. Discover what the devil does to hurt Ministries in certain locations and environments. Be fore-warned and fore-armed to take extra steps to avoid the pitfalls and traps others have tragically experienced there. Little foxes come for the tender, ripe grapes, and to spoil the vine. The only good use for foxes is tying their tails together and lighting them on fire to destroy the enemies’ fields!
12. Always be ‘professionally’ courteous, even when you do not feel like doing it!
13. “The LORD has helped us and taken care of us during the past forty years that we have been in this huge desert. We’ve had everything we needed, and the LORD has blessed us and made us successful in whatever we have done.” Deuteronomy 2:7
Find the entire message on “40 Action-Keys on to Achieving Success in Ministry!” by Dr. Thomas Manton IV. Check out our newsletters and magazine on our website and Subscribe to get great teachings and prophecies from the pastor…! God bless you.
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