Friday, January 21, 2011

12 Supernatural Operations of Spiritual Conquest through the Office of the Prophet, Dr. Thomas Manton IV!

The message from the Prophet highlights 12 supernatural operations of spiritual conquest through the office of the servant of God. View highlights of the revelatory teaching through the ministry of Dr. Thomas Manton IV.
1.    Unseating evil rulers! When a prophet shows up, the “hornet’s nests” get turned inside out! When someone is ruling in evil and wickedness with weird sprits and they like to “Jezebelically” control people, the prophet shows up and exposes the evil rulers!.

2.    The prophetic mantle exposes devils and turns out evil things that are hidden inside and around people! Prophets cause great agitation to demonic forces. Ugly things inside people surface and God root them out!

3.    “Eye-openers!” God loves giving answers to complex and deep-rooted adversities! God is interested in righteousness, no deception! Jesus did not come to bring peace but he came to bring a sword! He said he would divide families three against two and two against three…

4.    Prophets expose the folly and wickedness of Men’s Hearts! God destroys the works of the devils in fools. He undoes the work of those who proph-e-lie, not prophesy! God’s prophets cry aloud and spare not!

5.    Prophets expose and bring down the workers of iniquity and darkness in the world and in the church! Come hell or high water, God almighty is coming to bring changes!

6.    Prophets lead us into revelations that our obedience to God’s instruction will bring us into promotion and that our last act of disobedience disqualifies us from God’s next act of glory for us!

7.    Prophets speak to us about Kingdom exploits! People must immerse themselves into Kingdom pursuits. Yet, we must get free from all personal encumbrances, obstacles and hindrances if we are truly going to advance God’s Kingdom!

8.    Prophets speak forth the heart and mind of God and release God’s direction for his church!

9.    Prophets address and attack the ills, errors and sins of the societies they are assigned to by God!

10.  Prophets bring correction to the erroneous lifestyle of misguided leaders!

11.  Prophets expose and refute erroneous doctrines, expressions and emphases that are not biblical!

12.  Prophets release creative words of fire that will pro-create the miraculous and release supernatural blessings into the corporate church and into the individual lives of God’s people! *Amen!

Get the entire teaching and check out our cutting-edge messages on CD and DVD online. Visit to view new major prophetic words and teachings to different nations across the globe! Glory to God!


  1. It is a great privilege to know and to be known by a prophet of God and to be under such a dedicated prophetic ministry witnessing the growth and the divine connections boldly at work. Glory to God.

  2. Thanks be to God for True prophets in the earth like Dr Thomas Manton IV!!! The word that God speaks through His obedient Prophet is alive and active, sharper than any two-edged sword impacting not only the course of nations but also individual lives for the glory of God!!! It is an honour to know this fearless Prophet who is a true lover of Jesus Christ!!!!
