Sunday, January 23, 2011

Behold Kenya, “Every Tribe Has Value!” By Dr. Thomas Manton IV.

Greetings in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth and Savior of the World! The Lord spoke this revelation into my mind, as I heard his Voice saying to me; “EVERY TRIBE HAS VALUE!” 

Every tribe has value. Our decision determines our destiny!
I immediately started thinking about several good traits that seem resident in different Kenyan tribes. Now, because God’s wisdom is alive and resident in me, I will not yet ‘name’ the individual tribes by directly describing their good traits or bad ones! But I must declare to you all continuously what ‘Thus Saith The Lord!’

Many people in Kenya still remain overly tribalistic. I declare to you today, directly from the Mind of God, He is tired of it! It is always good to celebrate your heritage, but when the activity boycotts and excludes others, it creates strife, hatred and envy!
It is extremely true and very evident that there have been horrible acts, and even crimes, committed through systems of tribalistic corruptions and activities.
We must observe accurately here that several unscrupulous individuals from Kenya, regardless of their tribal affiliation, have been too keen on committing horrendously manipulative acts of fraud and deception on both local people and foreigners.
Kenyans must begin to desire, look to and focus on, their own lawfulness, personal development of skills and excellence to solve problems in both the local and international market places.  The Psalmist said that we should NOT focus on, or be envious of, a man or woman who is an evil doer, but seems to now be prospering. 
Isaih 1:19-20, and Deutronomy Chapters 8, 28 and 30  tells us that we are either blessed or cursed, based on our own personal decisions and actions. “Our Decision Determine Our Destiny!”
God judges everyone, based on his or her own actions, good or bad. Forget about and ditch evil doers, and focus on God, and on ourselves! It’s a high time now for all to ride up to the mountain-tops of life via the high road! Philippians 3:12-21! Kenyans should stop hating and fighting each other. It’s a high time that people begin to focus on their own personal excellence as citizens of Kenya; and more so royal citizens of the Kingdom of God!
Let all Kenyans now PULL each other together in unity! All can do that, without denying their own tribal identity! Let the best traits of all peoples manifest, and come forth now, to benefit everyone, in Jesus Christ’s mighty Name, Amen!

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